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Connecting to a network

After you have installed Polkadart and generated the types, you can now connect to a network and start querying the chain.

Using Provider and the generated API

Let’s create a sample application together, inside bin/demo.dart let’s add the following code:

import 'package:demo/generated/polkadot/polkadot.dart';
import 'package:polkadart/provider.dart';
Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
final provider = Provider.fromUri(Uri.parse('wss://'));
final polkadot = Polkadot(provider);
final query = await polkadot.rpc.state.getRuntimeVersion();

Now you can run your application:

Terminal window
dart run bin/demo.dart

You should see the runtime version of the Polkadot chain.

specName: polkadot,
implName: parity-polkadot,
authoringVersion: 0,
specVersion: 1003003,
implVersion: 0,
apis: [...],
transactionVersion: 26,
stateVersion: 1

You have now successfully connected to a Polkadot and made your first query to the chain! 🚀